Life After Oscar: Children’s book author and animator William Joyce

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“The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore”

Children’s book author and animator William Joyce talks to KCRW’s Saul Gonzalez about his life after winning the Academy Award for Best Animated Short Film. “Making movies is the hardest thing in the world, making animated movies is twice as hard,” Joyce says. He says that taking home Oscar has opened many doors for him, and made him happy. “I’ll be smiling until the day I die,” he says.

We’re catching up with Academy Award winners of a year ago who aren’t household names and don’t appear on the covers of magazines. What has winning an Academy Award meant for them? Does getting that little golden man bring you a bounty of opportunities you never thought possible? Or do you still have to hustle  for that next film project, even with those magic words “Academy Award Winner” right before your name? Find all of these interviews here.