Happy Hanukah from Chico Mann

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Chico Mann recorded a Hanukah single I was intrigued, since his specialty is Afro-Cuban music with a modern electronic flair. When I actually heard the sultry soulful song, with vocals from Alecia Chakour, I asked myself “Where did THIS come from?” So I emailed Marcos Garcia, the man behind Chico Mann and asked for his inspiration.

From Marcos:

“As a Religious Studies major in college, my most influential teacher was the Jewish theologian, Dr. Michael Kogan. As a result, I developed a love and appreciation for Judaism and Jewish culture that has been with me throughout my life. Knowing this, my publisher suggested I write a Hanukkah song.

One night last February, as I reflected on the spiritual significance of the holiday the song began to reveal itself. I quickly picked up a guitar to find the chords for the vocal melody and recorded it to my phone lest the inspiration fly away. I remember feeling delighted by the warmth that it evoked and excited to share it with my friends.

I can’t say I know why the song came to me in the way it did, but it felt right. Once I heard Alecia Chakour sing, there was no doubt that the song was truly inspired.”

Agreed! Check it out: