What I Got at the Post Office Today by Chuck P

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All of our DJs receive hundreds of CDs a month to consider for airplay. In this regular feature, KCRW DJ Chuck P catalogues his musical bounty from the Post Office each week.

Racing toward the holiday season now. The three month flurry of festive colors and warmed cockles.  Music usually dries up at the end of the year, but I got a few gems this week I wanted to share.


1) Weekend – “Sports” .. it’s from Slumberland Records.  We push their stuff to the top of the pile.  It’s post-J&MC sheets of distortion covering great pop songs.  One of my DJ Picks for November.


2) Woom – “Muu’s Way” … gorgeous minimal artwork and music to match.  Equal mix of electronic and acoustic.  This one will grow on me, I bet.


3) Swedish House Mafia – “Until One” .. dance mix compilation. Solid tracks, mixed well. This one will work at the party you don’t want to hire a dj for.  Next time, you may want to get a DJ, tho…

Honorable mentions are the new Zephyrs CD, Jed & Lucia and the lovely yet noisy pop of Violens.

Next week it might have to be, “What I Bought At Amoeba Records Today”


Chuck P.

(Tues nights 12a)