Gideon Brower is KCRW’s September Volunteer of the Month!

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Where did you grow up and are you an only child?
I grew up in Baltimore with one older sister.

What is your current occupation?
Underemployed writer and filmmaker.

What is your fantasy occupation?
Correspondent for “The Daily Show.”

When did you first discover KCRW?
One of my old college roommates is a SoCal native who has worked for the station. He turned me on to KCRW when I first visited L.A. Until then, I had associated public radio with classical music and an older audience, so I was shocked to find an NPR affiliate could also be the hippest alternative rock station in town.

How did you find your way to our station for volunteering?
The same college roommate ran the computer system at the Summerday wine auction many years back. I tagged along to help out.

What’s your current volunteer position and how long have you been at it?
I’ve been working with Eric J. Lawrence in the music library, reviewing the database for KCRW’s digitized collection of vinyl before the LPs are sent off to storage. My job is to pull each record, check that it was digitized correctly, and input writing and performing credits for every track. It’s a slow process. So far I’m up to “B.” I hope to live long enough to get to “C” but I’m not counting on it.

Favorite volunteer moment?
Chatting with Eric J., who is a walking Wikipedia of music and pop culture. Working reception and fielding a call from Ira Glass. Taking a pledge drive call from a web listener in Tokyo.

If you could get on the mic and say one sentence on the air, what would it be?
I’d enjoy reading an underwriting credit from a really unlikely NPR sponsor. Like the California Department of Corrections. Or Fox News.

What song have you hit repeat on lately?
Serge Gainsbourg: Bonnie & Clyde

Favorite book, movie?
I have a LOT of favorites. The first books that come to mind are “The Accidental Tourist” and “A Confederacy of Dunces.” For movies I’ll go with “Local Hero” and Kieslowski’s “Blue.”

Favorite thing to do outside the station (hobbies, recreation, etc.)?
Hang out with friends, read, hike, see movies, listen to music, and travel. I spent time in South Africa, Japan and England last year. Closer to home, I like checking out offbeat or lesser-known attractions, like the Watts Towers, San Gabriel Valley drive-ins and Googie-style coffee shops. I’ve been inspired to work on a radio project, recording interviews with my neighbors about crime boss “Whitey” Bulger who (it turns out) lived undercover across the street from me in Santa Monica for years.

What does KCRW mean to you?
Great people!

That last question can sound a little pompous, but what we really needed was a segue to talk about what the Gideon means to us – no question we’ll keep him as long as we have him fooled!