Good Food’s Weekly Farmers’ Market Digest

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News, Food, Recipes and Happenings from the Santa Monica Farmers’ Market

Every week Good Food visits the Wednesday Santa Monica Farmers’ Market and brings the latest news from farmers and chefs in our weekly Market Report segment with market manager Laura Avery.

We also help you cook seasonally and sustainably by recommending a few ingredients to buy and recipe ideas to cook with them. Your farmers’ market adventure starts here!

Market Report with Laura Avery

Laura Avery talks to David Karp, the farmers’ market reporter at the Los Angeles Times, who explains the implications of AB 1871, a new bill passed in California that takes aim at farmers’ market fraud.

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What You Should Buy This Weekend from the Farmers’ Market

-Cipolini onions

-Persimmons (learn more about persimmons with this guide)


-Jujube (also known as “Chinese Apples”)

-Winter Squash

What You Should Cook With It 

Tuscan Onion Confit

Hachiya Persimmon Sorbet 

Creamy Mushroom Soup

Crispy Fried Shallots

David LeFevre’s Mignonette for Oysers

Korean Short Rib Stew with Dried Jujubes and Chesnuts

Winter Squash and Apple Soup

Pumpkin Upside Down Cake with Cranberry Pecan Topping