This Week on Good Food: In-Vitro Beef, Sichuan Peppercorns, Mr. Breakfast, Bucato

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Photo: Mr Breakfast

Chef Evan Funke muses on his love of pasta fatto a mano, or handmade pasta, and Jonathan Gold enjoys the numbing sensation of Sichuan peppercorns at Chengdu Taste in Alhambra. Eddy Chavey – aka Mr. Breakfast – schools us on making homemade pancakes while James Oseland and David LeFevre both share their personal pie stories. Journalist Frederick Kaufman spells out how food became a commodity; plus, producer Gillian Ferguson reports on the vegetarian response to the first ever in-vitro hamburger. At the market, Laura Avery talks to chef Sandy Gendel and farmer Mike Roberts about fresh shell beans.