Babycakes’s Vegan Ice Cream Pie

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This pie comes to us from Erin McKenna, the founder of Babycakes, a New York City and downtown Los Angeles Kosher, vegan, gluten-free bakery.

This recipe came about because of an America’s Funniest Pets re-run (once is hilarious, twice is torturous). In my boredom, I grabbed a bag of Oreos, a pint of ice cream, and some stray chocolate sauce. I pushed crushed cookies into the bottom of a pan to create a crust, packed it with ice cream, and drizzled chocolate on top, and suddenly talking cats weren’t all that important anymore. When you try this at home, go nuts on personalizing it to your taste. You can create the crust with any of the cookies in this book and it will be unbelievably unbelievable.  Keep reading for the recipe…

Ice Cream Pie

16 double chocolate chip cookies (vegan)

4 tablespoons coconut oil

1/4 cup agave nectar

Chocolate Sauce

2 pints vegan, vanilla ice cream


In a food processor, mix together the 14 cookies, oil, and agave nectar. Blend just long enough that the cookies are ground up, but not until the mixture is soupy. Flatten the crumbled cookies into a 10-inch pie tin to create the crust. Place the tin in the freezer for 2 hours to harden the crust.

Immediately after removing from freezer, spoon in the vanilla ice cream. Smooth down to create an even surface. Pour the Chocolate Sauce into a squeeze bottle and evenly drizzle over the top of the pie in zig-zag motions. Crumble 2 cookies and sprinkle decoratively over the pie. Return to the freezer and let it set for 1 hour before serving.  Place pie in an airtight container and store in the freezer for up to 1 month.

Serves 8